It is official. Motivation is hard to come by in extreme heat. The easiest thing to do these days is talk myself out of going for a run and just sitting in the sun instead reading a book or taking my laptop and watching a movie or my new favorite show glee. I struggle to get moving when the thing called running is what makes my college education possible next year. I think the idea of running college scares me, and since I figure losing and I will be in the same sentence that i should just sit back and see what happens. It's as if running before could actually help me win instead of get crushed...but whose to say thats how it works. So instead I'll sit back and see what happens as i run whenever I feel the need. It's not like I'm lazy, but since my college coaches told me I'm not after mileage this year but just speed, due to the fact I'm only running in 3 cross races, i see no need to run far distances on a regular basis. Maybe that'll change next month.
I am so thankful its actually summertime weather because i love the sun and it has been hiding itself for too long! I love shorts and tanktops and have been jipped of them for the longest time. Finally to be reunited! GOOD day :)
I got a job doing maintence at ELCA and its funny because I have attended that campus for 6 years and never really paid that close to detail...When i work their I'm forced to and it makes me realize just how gorgeous the campus really is. After work one day i just sat down by the track and stared at the beautiful hills with the sun on it, I weeded the parking lot and noticed how cute the trees there are and how organized, and clean (i guess thats the word i want to use) it is. It just looks classy. The gym is gorgeous and flawless. I got to show a potential exchange student around the campus last week I believe it was and I was so proud to show off the details of the place I have known as home for so long. I will miss East Linn and i think it's another reason I'm struggling on my motivation to run. I am such a creature of habit and unaccustomed to change that I am nervous for the newness coming. Luckily I love the school and KNOW it will be an awesome experience but noticing ELCA's details just makes me appreciate what I had before that much more.
So my dad and I went on a hiking trip. Not good idea...Dad who has been taking medication for the last year, and not quite up to par. With a daughter who lets be nice is not the brightest bulb in the tanning bed. The trip started out like any other. Excitement. We packed up and headed for Craig lake. Problem was it was getting late and we only had so much time before it got dark due to us both working that day. We were getting close and trying to hurry to beat the darkness, when my dad's GPS dies. This would be fine had we not of needed to go off trail to find the lake, or maybe even if he had extra batteries. We got lost. My dad went in circles for a good 30 minutes before he decided we'd just set up there because the temperature was dropping and was getting dark. I was spooked, because even to this day when i get lost it feels like I did when I was young losing my mom at the mall. My heart drops and all I feel like doing is crying. Dad did everything setting up the tent wise. I just sat back trying not to freak out. Worst part is were right next this huge cliff...which according to my dad the lake should have been "just over that bend over there" The next morning we set off to actually find the lake because Lo' and behold my dad finds batteries in the bottom of his pack to our dismay! We go through these trees that are so close together your pack gets stuck and you have to try 3 times to get through hoping that you don't either a)get stuck or b) fall backwards trying to go through, because the packs are heavy. Finally we find the lake soaking wet because these close trees are so wet from the rain the night before. As my dad and I stare at the lake he points out the place he stayed before with my mother last time and wants to take me there. Sounds cool except now we gotta keep moving. Imagine this as we stand looking at the lake we turn right to follow it around. After about 10 minutes my dad turns around and looks at me. He says," I don't understand the lake should be right here on our right" and he stares at his GPS. I thought he was kidding, but he wasn't. I tried to explain to him if you turn right looking at the lake it'll take you around with the water on your left side not right. That the water was just over here. He would not believe me, and finally his GPS and what I said matched up so he believed me. Lost twice in one hiking trip. Not the best thing out in the woods. That day we chose to go home because it was too cold. My dad and I are a lot alike and I can't wait for our next hiking trip. :)